Monday, October 10, 2011

Spiritual Warfare - Intro

Principalities, powers of the air, demons, evil spirits - all sounds spooky. But when we really stop and think about it - especially within my personal context of Southern Baptist life - we do our very best to downplay any mention of spiritual warfare, demonic activity or evil spirits. Our default is to explain away anything that might find explanation within the realm of spiritual warfare. This has been my default for most of my Christian walk. I’ve always seen spiritual warfare as a ‘last resort’ kind of thing. I am realizing, though, that this has to change.

Over the last few months I have been ‘not-so-gently’ reminded of my ignorance of spiritual warfare and spiritual discernment. It is not that I have had some wild experience that they could make a movie about. Instead, I have been noticing things differently. I have been seeing things differently. My wife, Sherrill, has helped me to explore what Scripture reveals about spiritual warfare. It is because of this growing process that I want to explore this topic.

There are a few thoughts that I have about spiritual warfare. Over the next few weeks I hope to explore some of the ‘finer’ details.

1. I can no longer ignore spiritual warfare and the work of the enemy and neither can the church. I have been prideful - relegating spiritual warfare to the realms of TBN, bad horror flicks and the occasional stray charismatic family found in SBC churches. Though I am quick to profess complete trust in the truth of God’s Word - I have also been quick to ignore spiritual warfare and the discernment of Holy Spirit. It is easier to find ‘comfort’ in my own sense of rationalism over what God’s Word clearly reveals. My worldview must be informed by Scripture and Scripture clearly shows us that the forces of evil are real and spiritual warfare is legitimate. This doesn’t excuse the gross abuse of spiritual warfare found in some fringes of the Charismatic movement but it does force me to reconsider my ignorance of the entire issue.

2. I have a lot to learn about discernment and spiritual warfare. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying. Discernment of Holy Spirit is not something you can systematize with 3 easy steps. (Believe me, I have tried) I need to listen to others that have the gift of discernment. I need to learn from people who are sensitive to Holy Spirit. I need to listen to the stories of those who have participated in spiritual warfare

3. Christ is the victor. There is something to be said about the proclamation of the victory of Jesus Christ. Christ has surely given us victory but I think we sometimes need to be reminded of this great truth. This is no ‘name it and claim it’ theology. No, this is a simple proclamation of the victory of Christ. It is by the power of Christ that we have victory and that is a truth worth proclaiming.

4. The church, especially our own Southern Baptist tradition, is confused and ignorant about spiritual warfare. This is to the our own detriment. The enemy will have no final victory over us but we cannot ignore the fact that our battle is not against flesh and blood. We must be mindful about how we ‘do’ spiritual warfare.

5. Hope and not fear is the result of spiritual warfare.

Over the coming weeks I hope explore some of these issues and conclusions.